Thursday, January 24, 2008

Finding the Beauty Within

  1. Be proud of who you are, not who you think that you should be. If you want to improve yourself, take action. It is as simple as one step at a time.
  2. Think of your accomplishments. An accomplishment is something that you set out to do for yourself. It can be getting a good grade on an exam, a new job, and for a busy mom getting into the gym.
  3. Keep a journal. Can’t come up with an accomplishment off the top of your head. Go back and read your journal entries and see all that you have done, how far you have come since you started your journey. Need an idea for a journal – how about “Three Things I Learned Today”?
  4. Try something new and see how you do! You will almost always surprise yourself and do better than you imagined.
  5. Finish what you started. Complete a task or project that you put aside. There is nothing better than the feeling of satisfaction.

1 comment:

Bev Mahone said...

Hi Nancy!

I found your blog through another site and wanted to stop by to check you out. I love this post! Beauty starts on the inside...Amen. Too many women start losing their confidence as they age because society and the media tells them they no longer matter because they've lost their youth.

I say WHATEVER! and keep daring to dream.

Come by and check the Fabulous women over 40 at: BoomerDivaNation...The Place where Boomer Women Rock, Role, Rule & Inspire!