Thursday, January 24, 2008

Finding the Beauty Within

  1. Be proud of who you are, not who you think that you should be. If you want to improve yourself, take action. It is as simple as one step at a time.
  2. Think of your accomplishments. An accomplishment is something that you set out to do for yourself. It can be getting a good grade on an exam, a new job, and for a busy mom getting into the gym.
  3. Keep a journal. Can’t come up with an accomplishment off the top of your head. Go back and read your journal entries and see all that you have done, how far you have come since you started your journey. Need an idea for a journal – how about “Three Things I Learned Today”?
  4. Try something new and see how you do! You will almost always surprise yourself and do better than you imagined.
  5. Finish what you started. Complete a task or project that you put aside. There is nothing better than the feeling of satisfaction.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Reaching Out

Blogging is new to me, I am not sure what I am suppose to write about in this blog. I sit down at my computer keyboard and do what I do .... write. I have learned in the last week that others around the world really do know what to do with their blogs and are doing it very well. Everyday I receive hundreds of alerts for posts that touch on the subjects of women, women and body image, women in the media, etc.... Women of the world, and men too, have a lot to say on the subject of how they feel about themselves, about how women and beauty are portrayed in the media, and so many other topics that are near and dear to me and the Beautiful Women Project.

Everyday I receive hundreds of hits on the Beautiful Women Project web site ( and the Beautiful Women book is looked at either at an internet book shop or a local bookstores around the world. I think it is amazing how far this project has travelled. One of my favorite things that I get to do is speak with the people who come to our exhibitions and presentations. I can see the lives that I touch and hear their stories while sharing the stories of the thirty five women. The hard thing about the internet, is that I don't get to meet people face to face, and that is what I would really like to achieve with this blog - to hear from the people that are touched by our message and the stories: will you tell me what you think? I want to hear about how you feel about your own body, your personal accomplishments, the idea that beauty is the sum or your life's experiences. I would like to hear what you think of our project, of the book, of the of the amazing thirty five women. So, tonight's blog is just that - a call to the internet world to hear what you all have to say.

I know that you do have a lot to say, just say it to me. Talk Soon.