Sunday, November 23, 2008

So Much to be Thankful For

Even in the most challenging times, we all have so much to be thankful for in our lives. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to take a moment and give thanks for all that we do have in our lives instead of focusing on those things that are currently missing or seem out of our reach. Thanksgiving is also a time to look at the opportunities that lie before us, and remember that opportunities come in some of the most surprising shapes and forms.

Here is one minute exercise to do on your own - or even try it with your friends and family over the holiday.

(1) In thirty seconds list the things that you are thankful for in this moment of your life.

(2) In thirty seconds list the things in your life that you would like to change or that are proving to be extremely challenging for you in this moment of your life.

Take some time to reflect on both of your lists and give thanks for everything on both lists.

It is easy to be thankful for all of the things we want and have in our life. It is difficult to give thanks for your challenges and unwelcome situations, but you have the power within yourself to turn things around. By giving thanks for the things that you don't necessarily like or want, you are immediately changing the power that it has over your life. Simply finding the positive in something that seems overwhelmingly negative changes your life's dynamic.

Most importantly, remember that it is all a part of your life's journey and that....


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